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... on Garmin Mobile XT
The script for converting was improved a little-bit. Now are all steps included in one script. Plus, there is no longer need for manually renaming and entering the number of maps.
Now is it simple - just keep all downloaded maps (.osm.pbf) and polygons.poly in one folder and run script osm2img.sh
Please edit variables in the script (lines 20 - 25)
to set proper paths to your Java and other utilities (which are described below) and to choose, if you want to use file polygons.poly
(read below about polygons.poly)
Here is new bash script: osm2img.sh
This is not necessary to read it... :)
In the past (maybe 9 yrs ago) I bought PDA with Windows Mobile OS, with preinstalled Nav'N'Go iGo v. 8. But when then maps we're too obsolete and new maps we're for higher versions only available, I installed there Garmin Mobile XT.
It's very old and no longer supported application, but I like it more than other (e.g. better routing that Mapfactor Free or Be-on-road...)
Our goal is to create gmapsupp.img file, which contains detailed routable maps.
The steps to get gmapsupp.img file are:
download countries in format .osm.pbf from download.geofabrik.de
the file gmapsupp.img can be uploaded into your PDA device, mostly into Garmin folder
Sound too difficult? No, it isn't. Here are the steps described better:
Step 1 Download .osm.pbf
Geofabrik.de has always fresh OSM data extracts, sorted by continents and countries. Visit their website and get some countries: download.geofabrik.de
Then rename all downloaded files like:
fileXXX.osm.pbf -> 1.osm.pbf
fileYYY.osm.pbf -> 2.osm.pbf
fileZZZ.osm.pbf -> 3.osm.pbf
... etc
Step 2 Creating the polygon
Step 3 Converting the polygon (.gpx -> .poly)
Step 4 Converting .osm.pbf to .o5m
This is necessary as all .o5m files must be merged into one big .o5m file (in later step).
For this please use following command:
osmconvert -v fileXXX.osm.pbf -o=fileXXX.o5m
Here is downloadable bash script: osm2img_convert.sh
(note: please change the path to your osmconvert file and possible remove command beep.)
Step 5 Filtering .o5m
For navigation and car routing many tags are not needed. So they can be filtered out from .o5m file. So the final size of gmapsupp.img file (file with routable map) will be smaller.
For this please use following command:
osmfilter32 fileXXX.o5m -v --drop-version --keep="highway=" --keep="aeroways=aerodrome =terminal =helipad =runway" --keep="amenity =bar =cafe =fast_food =food_court =pub =restaurant =library =school =university =bus_station =car_rental =car_wash =ferry_terminal =parking =parking_entrance =parking_space =taxi =atm =bank =bureau_de_change =clinic =dentist =doctors =hospital =pharmacy =cinema =planetarium =nightclub =stripclub =theatre =courthouse =embassy =fire_station =marketplace =place_of_worship =police =post_box =post_office =shower =telephone =toilets =townhall" --keep="barrier=" --keep="boundary=" --keep="building=hotel =warehouse =cathedral =chapel =church =hospital =school =train_station =transportation =university =bridge =garage =garages" --keep="emergency=" --drop="highway=cycleway =footway" --keep="landuse=cemetery =basin =farmland =farm =forest =grass =reservoir =village_green =vineyard" --keep="leisure=marina =golf_course =park =playground =stadium =swimming_pool =water_park" --keep="place=" --keep="railway=" --keep="route=ferry =detour =road" --keep="shop=" --keep="place=" --keep="tourism=" --keep="addr=" --keep="access=" --drop-author --drop="addr:country" --drop="Annotation=" -o=${i}_filtered.o5m
Here is downloadable bash script: osm2img_filter.sh
(note: please change the path to your osmfilter32 file and possible remove command beep.)
Step 6 Merging .o5m files
This steps merges all .o5m into one and converts them back to .osm.pbf.
(the osmconvert can't merging .osm.pbf files, so that's why we have first to convert them into .o5m, then merging .o5m and then (after merging) convert them back to .osm.pbf).
osmconvert --drop-version all_files.o5m -o=merged.osm.pbf
Here is downloadable bash script: osm2img_merge.sh
(note: please change the path to your osmconvert file and possible remove command beep.)
Step 7 Splitting merged.osm.pbf
This step splits big merged.osm.pbf file into small chunks, which mgkmap.jar can handle.
java -Xmx3G -jar splitter.jar --max-nodes=1500000 --max-areas=2048 --polygon-file=polygons.poly merged.osm.pbf
Here is downloadable bash script: osm2img_split.sh
(note: please change the path to your splitter.jar file, maybe path to java and possible remove command beep.)
(note: the switch -Xmx3G defines amount of memory for java heap, can be lowered or raised, depends of your free memory in the system.)
Step 8 Creating gmapsupp.img
This step makes from small splitted parts the routable Garmin map, with the name gmapsupp.img
java -Xmx3G -jar mkgmap.jar --road-name-pois --remove-short-arcs --index --add-pois-to-areas --drive-on-right --check-roundabouts --latin1 --show-profiles=1 --link-pois-to-ways --location-autofill=2 --merge-lines --description="OSM MAPA" --reduce-point-density=3 --country-name='MAPA' --country-abbr=MAP --gmapsupp --code-page:1250 --route --remove-ovm-work-files --lower-case --housenumbers --generate-sea=multipolygon,extend-sea-sectors,floodblocker 6324*.osm.pbf
Here is downloadable bash script: osm2img_make_gmapsupp.sh
(note: please change the path to your mkgmap.jar file, maybe path to java and possible remove command beep.)
(note: the switch -Xmx3G defines amount of memory for java heap, can be lowered or raised, depends of your free memory in the system.)
Step 9 Uploading gmapsupp.img into PDA
So final file gmapsupp.img can be copied into your PDA, into folder named Garmin.
Well, now you can delete all temporary files. Or you can save polygons.poly for future use.
In case of question do not hesitate to read manuals about all utilities. :)
Or you can still drop me an e-mail: fela.nascarfan(at)gmail(dot)com
Proudly made with GNU Emacs with markdown-mode.
Author of CSS style: Florian Wolters, http://github.com/FlorianWolters/jekyll-bootstrap-theme
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